Saturday 22 December 2012

Graeme Park 1991.09.28 @ Haçienda Manchester

Probably my favourite year and month at the Haçienda, I thought the atmosphere and the music policy were superb at this time and evoke some heady memories of clubbing in the Northwest, Ku In Huddersfield, Legends in Warrington, and Shellys in Stoke when the Haçienda was shut - but we always went back to Faç51 - for me there was no place like it...... 

Download Graeme Park 1991.09.28 @ Haçienda Manchester

Password - Park1991

The image above depicts the Haçienda dancefloor and alcoves... In our first monthsof going on a regular basis we used to sit on the wall at the back of these, drop and watch the place fill up, feel the tempo build, feel the moment until the 'whoosh' happened and the place would erupt into a sea of dancing bodies in sync!  The image is entitled 'The Haçienda Interior East' and is one of a limited run of silk screen prints.  Cathedral like it captures the scale of the Haçienda perfectly, and boy does it bring back some memories.  I dont recall it looking this fresh though!


  1. Great blog. I was a regular at Shellys in Longton on the Friday nights for ages. This seems to sum those times up nicely!

    Thanks for the up, great stuff indeed.

    1. Good times bud... Shellys was a sweatshop but such a great night, the perfect build up to the weekend :O)

  2. Again.. where is this one from Andrew? I've had it for years... but labled as being from Juliets in Hull...

    1. Hi Noel, Chers for your message bud...

      I have this on TDK SA90 cassette since back in the day. Purchaised from the DJ box. It was one of them that had been established on the forums for so long that i questioned the accuracy myself. It is possible that parky was recording them from elsewhere and knocking them out from the booth, but guess only he can confirm. However, as it was one acquired way back when we were there so I am going with that :O)
